This portfolio website is built on a template found here. I've extended and customised it to suit my needs!
Web Developer
Below is a collection of screenshots from web projects I have worked on. Click on a project's image to be taken to its hosted location so you can further explore it.
This portfolio website is built on a template found here. I've extended and customised it to suit my needs!
This is a standalone project hosted on Github that allows users to keep track of the progress for the Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The users data is saved in their browser's localStorage, and the pages are dynamically updated.
This is an API tool allowing users to search for music via lyrics entered into the text box.
This is an API tool allowing users to search for Pokemon. It was also an exercise in using CSS to construct an object resembling a Pokedex.
This is an API tool allowing users to browse the many spells from the Harry Potter universe.
This is a JavaScript tool using the in-built oscillator as an instrument.
This is a fun project attempting to recreate the Windows 95 desktop using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This is a simple tool emulating the Lite Brite toys.
This is a simple tool allowing users to create simple pixel art images.